The training was held on 20-21 November 2020 at Royal Hotel Hall Room.The training was initiated by the Sustainable Rising through Empowerment and Youth Advancement (SREYA) project, and it was organized by Ananya Kallyan Sangathon (AKS) through the support of Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) facilitated by Coxi Talukder. The purpose of the training was to strengthen and Enhancing Advocacy Capacity Building for CHT women networks. There was 19 women networks member have participated in this training, such as Activist forum, Mro, Bawm, Marma, Chak, Khumi communities women in CHT. The program director of Ananya Kallyan Sangathon (AKS) Mr. Dinendra Tripura have welcomed them and shared about the training.The Program Coordinator of the SREYA project, AKS Mrs. Lal Pekkim Bawm presented the goal, outcomes, outputs, and some activity plans and progress report of the project. The Executive Director of Ananya Kallyan Sangathon (AKS) Mrs. Dawnai Prue Naly motivates all participants that this advocacy training whatever they have learned, they may continue to influence others and look forward to having a strong women networks foundation.
View of the Training Session