Today, On 30 April, 2020 Ananya Kallyan Sangathon or Popularly known as short form “AKS” has Donated Essential Logistics to the Honorable Civil Surgeon, Bandarban Dr. Aung Swi Prue Marma to be used for various purposes by the Health Dept in the Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic activities. The Logistics include protective equipment for doctors and health workers like Eye Goggles (1 Dozen), Hand Gloves (4 Box containing Total 200 pairs), Hand Sanitizer (14 Bottles, Total 07 Litres), Face Shield (36 pieces), Surgical Mask (50 pieces) & Bleaching Powder (10 KGs)… The Honorable Civil Surgeon gave words of Appreciation for the above volunteer Donation to the present members of AKS organisation. The ED of AKS Mrs. Daw Nai Prue NALY and her team when handing over the logistics pledged to support the Covid-19 fighters & said the Donation was a Token of Acknowledgement & Love for the Front-line Fighters of Bandarban Health Department.