Celebration! of the National Girl Child Day by AKS

On 30th September 2020, AKS celebrated “National Girl Child Day” at the Presbyterian Church of Bangladesh hall room, Kalaghata in Bandarban. Organized by the SREYA project, Ananya Kallyan Sangathon with 60 adolescent girls.

The Program Coordinator of the SREYA project, AKS Mrs. Lal Pekkim Bawm welcomed all participants and had a PowerPoint presentation on the SREYA project.

Followed by Program Director Dinendra Tripura’s speech on “National Girl Child Day,” meanwhile he requested an adolescent girl from the participant to read an article on ‘Significant of girl,’ then he showed a video clip of “Malana Yousofzai life.”

The participant girls were so impressed with the day AKS celebrated with them, thus, many of them shared their feelings for the event. Moreover, they were very excited to show their talents like telling jocks, recitation, singing songs, drawing, dancing, etc.

Looking at their presentations we noticed that these girls could do anything if they have the privilege. So, as could as possible we should create opportunities in our families and society for those girls. They are our future and hope.

The program Director closed the celebration program by giving thanks to all participants.

View of the Day Observation