Celebration! International Women’s Day 2021 by AKS

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On 8th March 2021,  International Women’s Day 2021  celebrated by Ananya Kallyan Sangathon’s (AKS) SREYA project at Royal hotel hall room in Bandarban.

The theme was “Women in leadership, achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.” The participants were Deputy Director of social affairs Mr. Milton Mohuri, Medical Officer Dr. Chuchu Rakhain, One-stop crisis program officer, Arun bikas chakma,  President of Corruption Prevention Committee Mr. Aungcho mong Marma, Program officers of Caritas  Rupna Das, Former Counselor Saleha Begum, Cultural Activist Husnyara Sirin, Master trainer of BNPS Sumit Bonik, Program Director of AKS Dinendra Tripura,  and Executive Director of AKS, Dawnai Prue Naly. SREYA project all staffs and 60 adolescent’s girls and parents were joined in this event. The event was hosted by Program Coordinator- SREYA project of AKS Lalpekkim Bawm. 

The event was done successfully and joyfully, adolescent girls were expressed their joy and happiness by performing the poem, dance, jocks in the celebration of International Women’s Day. The event was ended by Executive Director of Ananya Kallyan Sangathon, Mrs. Dawnai Prue Naly with a short speech.

View of the event