Dakkha Nari Project, Bangladesh

Project Overview


Project partners

Switzerland: CO-OPERAID,
Kornhausstrasse 49, P.O. Box, 8042 Zurich

+41 44 363 57


Bangladesh: Ananya
Kallyan Sangathon
(AKS), K.S.Prue
Market ( 1st floor ),

Bangladesh. Phone:+88-0361-62864.


Project description

Overall goal








«A safe live in dignity through social and economic empowerment of women and girls who are affected by gender-based violence (GBV)»


 Outcome1: Women and adolescent girls are capacitated with vocational skills and improve their livelihood

• Outcome2: Women, adolescent girls and community people are sensitized for GBV and group activities  combat and prevent GBV


  Skills training’s for women and girls in the district capital Bandarban

 Business support for graduates and for village saving groups(training’s, tools of the trade, starting capital)

 Sensitisation and prevention of gender-based violence through watch groups, peer groups, training’s and public events



Direct Beneficiaries

Indirect Beneficiaries



    108 participants of skills training courses and business courses

   590 members of saving groups

   340 members of watch groups and peer groups

   About 2’000 participants of awareness trainings.

   About 3’500 community inhabitants

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